Support a Healthier Community
Support a Healthier Community
Moving forward a vision for a Sports & Active Lifestyle Complex is an initiative that must be led by the citizens and residents of Butte County. Every voice must be heard to truly create a movement that becomes a reality and legacy for future generations. Individuals, businesses and organizations are joining in different ways:
- FANS – Adding your voice to the growing EBHB movement for a Sports & Active Lifestyle Complex. $10-$999, monthly or annually.
- VISIONARIES – Early adopters committed to the vision are funding the movement and will be recognized on a Complex Wall, $1000-$4999.
- STEWARDS – Those who value our community quality of life for future generations and committed to creating a legacy space. These stewards of our future are givers and will have special recognition at the Complex. $5000 and above.
All funding goes towards the planning and approval for site acquisition and collaboration with partner agencies on “shared vision & shared use” facility complex development for a healthier community. All donors receive donation receipt, updates and notices of events and progress.
EBHB is looking for donations and support from like-minded organizations and individuals. Your donation will support current programs and help make our long-term vision for health, wellness, and education through an inclusive, multi-use sports complex a reality. Donate today and become one of the key players in bringing active programs to our community and those in need.